Monday, October 22, 2012

Precedent analysis

Part of this project is to look at some case studies and doing site visit to get a better grasp of designing project types that we are working on. I looked at four different case studies which included two hair salons, a restaurant and a live/work space.

Image 1. Founding farm restaurant, Washington, DC

Also, I went to the local hair salon and I did a site observation to conduct more information about the place type and different needs of hair salon.

Image 2. James Madison hair salon, Atlanta

However, we conducted interview. For interview part of our I interviewed employees who work in different locations of Paners care restaurant. Panera Cares is a nonprofit community based café that operates by Panera Bread foundation.

Image 3. Panera Care Cafe

 In my interview I tried to understand how a nonprofit restaurant operates and in that case I wanted to know how it is different in design from the Panera Bread. The concept was very interesting. Panera Care operation, design and menu is the same as Panera Bread. The only difference is that in Panera Care there is a donation bin next to cashier which you can donate money. For more information you can visit their website at:

Image 1 retrieved from
Image 2 taken in site observation by the blogger
Image3 retrieved from



  1. Very thorough investigation, Zohreh. Which live/work space did you look to for your analysis?

  2. Thanks Lauren, For my case study I looked at Live/work studio II in Pittsburg
    This a link to that project if you interested

  3. Zoreh:

    Your case studies seem very logical for the three organizations that you are proposing. They should provide some worthwhile insight as you do your space planning. Looking forward to seeing how everything evolves.

