Monday, November 12, 2012

Schematic design

  After working on a plan and doing changes over time, finally I came up with the floor plan that you can see below. As it shows in the plan one main entrance provided for all business components of the facility, and only the live/work space has separate entrance to have more security.

   The main lay out idea was encouraging the communication of different user groups. The main entrance opens to a shared spaces that serve as a connection between all areas and also as awaiting and gathering zone. Gallery space that moves through the whole building has glass walls in some parts and folding doors,  they all encourage visitors move into a space. Both restaurant and hair salon, also have a door for direct access to the gallery.

 Here I am showing the rendered reflected ceiling plan. There are three different ceiling types which include: gypsum ceiling, acoustical ceiling tile and glass ceiling tile that shows with color code in the plan.

These hand rendered shows the shematic design development of project.

                    Restaurant view
                    Hair salon view

                 Gallery view from the shared space




  1. Zohreh, Your renderings are beautiful! There is a great sketch quality to them that you have shown throughout your design process. Nice job!

  2. Zoreh:

    You have such a great sketching ability! I always enjoy seeing the way you develop your concepts through your sketches. Very nice!


  3. Great job so far Z!!!
    Your renderings look amazing, as usual ;-)

    1. Thanks my lovely classmates for appreciations! :)

  4. Zohreh,

    I really like your hand sketches and rendering style. It is very unique and it definitely speaks to who you are as an artist and designer. This is a great skill to have.

    Great job!
